Logo ideas page generated following discussions with the client, a heritage education company that offers bespoke education workshops to schools.
Final logo design, created after the postcard below was designed and printed to coincide with a short-notice event
First marketing postcard created for Tir Na Nog, using the draft logo design
Second marketing postcard created for Tir Na Nog, using the refined logo design
A3 infoboard created for display at a one-day Iron Age local history and skills workshop at Tortworth Arborfest
A3 infoboard created for display at a one-day Iron Age local history and skills workshop at Tortworth Arborfest
A3 infoboard created for display at a one-day Iron Age local history and skills workshop at Tortworth Arborfest
Marketing postcard created to promote hands-on history sessions for schools with photos from a pop-up workshop at Gloucester Cathedral
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